Phishing simulation to deliver malware via email to your workforce at a set frequency to gauge their security awareness.
Phishing risk simulation assessment will target a subset of employees from each department within the organization. If appropriate, employees and departments from different offices will be included within the test, in order to allow for the identification of any trends across the entire organization.
The data returned by the assessment will identify current levels of susceptibility and providing information such as:
- Number of users who clicked a malicious link within an email
- Number of users who entered corporate domain credentials into a phishing website
- Number of users who attempted to download a malicious executable
- Activity over time (were users still clicking malicious links even after the internal security response?)
- Did any employees reply directly to the phishing attack?
- Comparison against the average susceptibility of other organizations in your market sector
The methodology will be tailored to business requirements and designed to evaluate your employee’s responses to different types of phishing attacks.